Phase III - Environmental Remediation
CNS Environmental provides turn-key Environmental Remediation services which could be required dependent upon the findings of a Phase II Site Assessment.
Services provided consist of the following:
Services Provided:
Remediation Management
Remediation System Designs
Remediation Oversight
Regulatory Agency Interaction & Reporting
Soil Gas Sampling
Soil and Groundwater Sampling
Soil Disposal Protocol Sampling
Noise and Air Monitoring
Geophysical Surveys
Storage Tank Removals
Soil Disposal
Monitoring Well Installations
Soil Vapor Extraction Systems
Chemical Injections
CNS utilizes in-house GeoprobeTM equipment to accomplish soil gas sampling, subsurface soil and groundwater sampling as well as installing groundwater monitoring wells. Excavation and Geophysical surveys are accomplished by CNS staff.
CNS provides full reporting, remediation plans / designs, risk assessments, remediation system installation, monitoring and regulatory agency interaction to ascertain a “No Further Action” sign-off from the regulatory agency.
CNS represents our clients, not the regulatory agency.